“You get out in the real world and come to the realization that life is much more than a SYSTEM. It’s about making your own choices and sadly, youth in the system are not being granted that privilege.” -Ta’Hari Jackson
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Ta’Hari Jackson shares #HisStory

My Good Stuff Coffee Story
Honestly, I remember one weekend around Christmas time, all of my peers in my group home were gearing up to go on home passes for the holidays. Everyone but me. At that moment I said to myself, damn, it really is just ME, and that realization both hurt and built me up at the same time. Challenging is the system in itself, how it rips you away from your loved ones and surroundings only to spit you out in a city no one in your family has ever been to. That was challenging; always bouncing around from home to home, school to school, you finally bond with a staff member or a peer and then outta’ nowhere; BOOM, you’re moving counties. Playing musical chairs with stability was challenging. All the movement was overwhelming. Yes, my childhood was never still, but the game of Musical Chairs has honestly taught me how to move to any beat and sit in any chair.
Fortunately for me, the music has stopped momentarily, and I’m sitting in my very own apartment in the heart of Downtown Santa Ana. The music hasn’t always been good to me though, it’s stopped on me in some of my darkest times. I tell you what… two years of living on the streets; that was an uncomfortable chair I had to sit in. If I’m being honest, I almost gave up. And if it wasn’t for the music slowly fading back and Doing Good Works just “getting the picture,” I honestly would’ve been just another statistic for a company to market to their donors.
Can I tell you a secret though? I AM MUCH MORE THAN A FOSTER YOUTH! I AM A DREAMER. Read how my DREAMS came true here: gofundme.com/f/taharistrong.
Doing Good Works believes just as much as Good Stuff Coffee does. And that is BELIEVING IN THE FUTURE THAT IS OUR YOUTH! We are tomorrow’s doctors and lawyers, we are tomorrow’s teachers and judges, we are tomorrow’s future. So, invest your time and above all, invest your LOVE. It is the only way to bridge the gap between our childhoods and independence.

Establishing Smiles Since ’94
Ta’Hari Jackson
“ABSOLUTELY #MoreThanAFosterYouth”
Click here to Buy Coffee straight from Ta’Hari!